The gasoline situation is much better this week. My Japanese "dad" next door said he was able to fill his tank without any waiting yesterday. This means that Akihiro's work will be able to resume to normal as of next week. He has had plenty of his online medical education work and real estate work to keep him busy, though.
I was talking to my brother today and I commented how I could feel the prayers. I'm sure many have experienced this feeling--it feels so good. Perhaps it is not really the best way to say it, but if one could manufacture this feeling and sell it, they would be rich! It is the same way I felt when my parents died and we had so many people praying for us--the same way I felt on my wedding day when I could feel such overwhelming support and love. Though thankful for it, I feel very unworthy as now our lives are so very easy compared to those severely affected by the disaster. I hope and pray they can feel some of the same comfort and peace that I/we feel and that the Holy Spirit can guide them to Truth! This disaster has made us look at our lives and our purpose here in Japan more closely--how would God have us to reach out to these people?